Empower Financial service organisations with a comprehensive and modular wealth and insurance orchestration platform delivered as a cloud agnostic SaaS services
Experience a highly adaptable online and mobile applications, client-centric solution designed particularly for wealth advisors and private customers, with the purpose of offering an easy-to-use workflow and enhanced demand insights. Where you know first, so you can act first - at home or at business, work faster, better, and smarter.
Launch insurance products quickly, reduce development durations, save money, and construct a custom solution to meet your insurance goals while keeping inside your budget. It included modules such as new business underwriting, policy insurance, billing, collections, policy processing, and claims for individual General, as well as life and group insurance—all on a single platform.
Platform for individuals to understand their mental and physical health status by using comprehensive score generated by i1Fit, which will help to empower their wellness journey.

About us
ikione is a mixture of two words, ‘iki’ which means never ending or everlasting in ancient Finnish and ‘one’ which is for number one, therefore it translates as ‘Eternal One’.
At ikione, we believe that work should be enjoyable, with an environment that fosters and supports creativity, new ideas, and solutions, as well as unconventional thinking.
ikione is a Pune-based IT service provider that offers cutting-edge software solutions based on Microsoft technologies.
We want to work closely with our partners to create various software solutions across multiple devices and platforms. We were founded in July 2013 with a particular emphasis on the Nordic industries.
We believe in individuals at ikione. Although we work with technology, it is the people who make the difference, and we place a high priority on the company’s human values.
Our clients are not customers, but rather partners with whom we collaborate.
What we do and where
Product Mapping & Value Proposition
- i1Wealth
- i1Insurance
- i1Health
- Wealth orchestrator.
- Wholistic views across all asset classes KYC/AML, Reporting, Corporate Actions, ESG.
- Transaction templates ready to connect to any core for execution.
- ML/AI powered Goal based planning, Financial planning, Advisory, Transaction categorisation.
- Open Banking APIs
- Pricing Model: Project costs + SaaS fees based on usage of end users.
- Customers: B2B2C
- Strategic Significance: Fastest opportunity potential.
- Insurance orchestrator.
- Supporting all lines of business.
- Partners & Ecosystem management.
- Channels (Portals + Mobility).
- Dynamic Pricing.
- KYC/AML Fraud & leakage management.
- Driver & Health telematics.
- P2P, Pay as you use.
- Pricing Model: Core- Project cost + GWP on the platform Channels Project costs + SaaS fees based on usage of end users.
- Customers: B2B2C
- Strategic Significance: Slow yet long term engagements.
- Wellness orchestrator.
- Mobility & Portals.
- Partner orchestration.
- Gamification.
- Reporting & Analytics.
- Morbidity & Mortality monitoring analytics.
- Pricing Model: Channels Project costs + SaaS fees based on usage of end users.
- Customers: B2B2C
- Strategic Significance: Localised significance.
Interns Certification Track
- The candidate needs to get a full score on the assessment after each level as one of the criteria to qualify for the next level.
- Getting a full score doesn’t automatically qualify the candidate for the next level.
- No certification will be issued if the candidate leaves in the middle of a level.
- After level 3, the shortlisted candidates will can apply for a permanent position in Ikione.
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
- Ikione reserves the right to continue investing in the candidate even though the candidate might have scored full starts in the previous level.
- The candidate will receive certification after each level and can decide to continue to the next level or not.
Each level will cover increasing level of competence in .net core, Angular & React Native.
Hands-on Job will be provided.
Assessment after each level.
Each level will have a certification.